Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Family Visits

It seems like every time I sit down to blog these days something else comes up and I am unable to finish! Life with a newborn sure is busy!

We just spent the last 10 days with some very special ladies- my MIL Sherry and our Aunt Jane. They both came to help us around the house and spend time getting to know baby Carter. It was really nice to have them here and I hope they had fun!

Sherry- thank you so much for everything you did around the house. You took such great care of us while you were here and we really appreciate it. All of the food was delicious, the house was spotless, and the dogs were well loved! Carter really enjoyed getting to spend time with his Bella and I know you both created some special memories of your time here. We are very lucky to have you in our lives and are so thankful for your support and help during this time. Having a newborn can certainly be stressful and you helped take a lot of that away so I could focus on him. Thank you again for everything!

Jane- you took over where Sherry left off and Linc and I are very grateful for your company and help while you were here. Carter loved all your songs and snuggle time! The pups couldn't have been happier either! We are so glad you could spend your spring break with us and hope to see you again soon!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Daily Dose

In case you haven't noticed, Carter has some rockin' hair! It seems to have a mind of its own and this day it wanted to stand straight up! I think he's pretty darn stylish ;) He looks so old already in this pic!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Three Weeks Old

Yesterday our little man turned three weeks old. Time is still passing in one giant blur and it's hard to keep track of where the days go! We did have a pretty exciting day though- and a first for me! I went and got a spa pedicure with my mom, Alex, and MIL Sherry! It was the first time I left Carter home and I was pretty anxious the whole time. Linc got a little sick of my texts, but I am proud to say that little C slept almost the entire time we were gone and only had a minute or two of fussiness before we made it back to the neighborhood! Thank goodness because the nail salon was about 20 minutes away from home and the traffic was horrendous!

After pedis and a nice big lunch, C and I took an afternoon nap and then we packed up and headed to Hattie and Poppy's for dinner. March is a big month in our family and we were celebrating Poppy's birthday (a few days late). Carter gave his grandpa an adorable brag book so he can show off at work! I think it turned out really cute and now I need to make one for myself! We got home pretty late but I am so proud of my little man because after his 10:30 feeding he slept for 3 hours! What a treat! Have we survived the first growth spurt? I'll keep my fingers crossed that the eating every 2 hours has passed for now and take advantage of him sleeping a little longer.

Snuggling with Hattie

All curled up like a little jelly bean!

I just can't get enough of his tiny (big) feet!

...or his kissable little hands!

Loving life on Poppy's lap!

Happy Birthday Poppy! We love you very much!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Baby Playtime

Here is a short little video of Carter
"playing" on his farmyard activity mat.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Did You Miss Us?

Well, the adrenaline of having a baby has finally worn off and exhaustion has set in! It was so easy to do everything in the beginning but now all my body wants to do is sleep for days. I had a feeling the blog a day wouldn't continue, but I tried! We have had a lot of visitors lately, enjoyed going for long walks outside, and feeding around the clock! C must be in the middle of another growth spurt and is quickly filling out! He is also getting taller and is almost too long for newborn size clothes. He eats about every 3.5 hours and lets me sleep for about 2 hours in between each session. I am still napping when he naps most days so thank goodness for help from Bella and Hattie to keep the house running! We certainly have been spoiled. Here is a snapshot of the last few days around the Hamilton household!

My sweet angel baby! I just want to crawl in that crib and snuggle him!

Meeting Auntie Candace for the first time!

Love you Twinny! Can't wait to see you again soon!

Playing around with Daddy!

Look who's getting SOOO big!

Getting in an upper body workout!

Can't forget the cuddle time!

One of our favorite things to do these days!

Monday, March 22, 2010


The weather was pretty crummy this afternoon so we decided to have a lazy day around the Hamilton house- catching up on sleep, snuggling, and loving on the babe (and a bath to finish off the night). Is there any better smell than a clean baby? I don't think so! Carter got a lovely sponge bath on Day 16 and fell right to sleep while we washed his hair. I am amazed at how calm he gets when the water starts running! Even though his umbilical cord fell off, our doc said to wait until his little belly button finishes healing before giving him a tub bath. Here are a few pictures of our night! Enjoy!

Gotta wash off that milk mustache for a nice clean face!

As soon as the water ran down his head, C closed his eyes and went to sleep!

Love love love the smell of clean baby!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tummy Time

This week our pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start Carter on some tummy time! He already has some pretty strong neck muscles and likes to show off by throwing his head around when you're holding him! I have a feeling our little man will be able to have control of his head very soon with all this practice! Somehow in all the excitement I missed taking a picture of him actually lifting off the bed, but these were so cute I decided to share anyway! I tried uploading a video I took but for some reason it is not working. I will try and add it again later but now...it's nap time for baby and momma!

Thinking about what to do...

Loving tummy time!

His legs were going a mile a minute! He looked like he was swimming!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Two Weeks Old

Where have the last 14 15 days gone? People weren't kidding that sleep deprivation plays a huge part in the beginning but somehow we're making it through and enjoying (most) every moment! Carter really is such an angel and I thank God every night when I tuck him into bed that we were given the opportunity to be his parents. What an incredible feeling to look down at this little man and know that he was created especially for us. I couldn't imagine a more perfect and precious gift.

At two weeks old Carter has already changed a lot! He is slowly settling into a more predictable feeding routine and has lot more moments of awake/alert time before going back to sleep. His umbilical cord also fell off today yesterday while we were at the pediatrician and even though his belly button isn't completely healed, it's nice to not have to work around it anymore! At his check up we found out all about how he is growing:
  • Height- 22.25 inches/ 93 percentile (up from 20.5in/78%ile)
  • Weight- 9 lbs 6 oz/ 67 percentile (up from 8lb 10oz/77%ile)
  • Head- 15.25 inches/ 83 percentile (up from 14.33in/ 62%ile)
Loading up to go to the doctor all by ourselves!

So according to the doctor we will have a tall boy on our hands! I am amazed how quickly he reached and then surpassed his birth weight and that he's gotten more than an inch taller in just fourteen days! Time really does fly and we're trying our best to soak it all in and make some awesome memories!

Going to the doctor is exhausting!

We both had a good nap afterward!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our First Walk

Carter's eleventh day (March 16th) was pretty busy! We started the morning with some play time on the farm mat and lots of snuggle time with Mommy. That afternoon my mom and sister came over and we all went for a walk to watch Linc play tennis. On the way, Carter got to meet our neighbors- Brandon, Jen, and Hailey- and we spent some time with Brendon, Robyn, and baby Grace! We only lasted at the tennis match for a few minutes, but thankfully Linc won anyway! It was a beautiful day and I am so glad we got to get out and enjoy the fresh air.

Westin was scoping out which toys to steal...

Bundled up in his new brown pea coat

Ready to go!

Meeting Brandon and Jen

Cruising to the tennis courts

Wishing Daddy and his opponent good luck!

Walking back home with Robyn, Alex, Brendon, and Grace
(and Hattie of course!!)

Carter's future girlfriend!

C slept so peacefully for our entire walk!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Due Date (a little late)!

Carter was originally due on March 15th and it is so hard to believe that ten eleven days have already passed with this little angel in our lives. I won't lie, the days and nights are still one continuous string of time with cat naps here and there but so far it's all been worth it! On day ten we packed up for our first dinner out. Hattie came and picked us up and we hung out at her house while waiting for Linc to be done with work.

Over the river and through the woods to Hattie and Poppy's we go...

Nakie snuggle time!

Now it's Poppy's turn!

Hard to believe we've been parents for ten days!

We love coming to Hattie and Poppy's house!

Meeting Shark and Bailey during dinner

He was having sweet dreams while we ate!

After dinner cuddle time in the new rocking chair

Carter's serious face

Carter's thoughtful face

My favorite face! Makes my heart melt every time!

That's one content babe!
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