There are a few exciting things going on during Week 26. Linc and I went on our Labor and Delivery Tour at our hospital the other night and I have an appointment to interview some pediatricians later on. Recently, it seems I have an entire turkey shoved under my skin (left over from Thanksgiving) and am once again being reminded (daily) from coworkers how HUGE I am. You would think these ladies, who have had kids themselves, would understand that that is not something I want to hear. I am still feeling good though and every time I get depressed about my size I am reminded that there is a healthy, strong boy in there that needs me and he is clearly enjoying the changes my body is going through to keep him cooking for a few more weeks!
No wonder my back hurts all the time! Darn beach ball...
As far as our little man goes, here are a few things I learned from my weekly email:
- He has eyelashes on his eyelids, his eyes can move in their sockets, and he can tell light and dark, but he cannot discern specific objects yet.
- His senses are becoming fine-tuned and more responsive to light, sound, taste, smell, and touch.
- His skin is becoming smoother as body fat accumulates beneath the skin.
- His brain is developing further, and he can direct breathing movement.
During our L&D Tour I was able to snap a few photos of our hospital. It is a really gorgeous facility and I am excited to be able to use it in a few weeks! Now if only I could have gotten a picture of our fellow tour goer who was in active labor and already dilated to 4cm!! She was very uncomfortable during the tour but I have to give her major applause for keeping up with us. She told us she would be admitted within a few hours and have her baby hopefully by tomorrow night! Good luck!!
Lobby of our Women's CenterWaiting for our tour to begin! The delivery rooms have a hospital bed, two day beds, wifi,
flat screen TV with dvd player, and
room for a crowd of people to witness the big event. Delivery Bed-- directly across from the giant flat screen TV! My own personal jacuzzi tub in the hotel style bathroom! Where Baby H will be spending the first few moments of his life! The nursery was empty- although we could hear babies from inside the recovery rooms!
They encourage the parents to "room in" with the newborns to get extra practice.
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All images are copyrighted © 2010 - 2012 K. Hamilton Photography. ©
Wow, what a hospital! Both gorgeous and high tech.
You're lookin' great! Enjoy being pregnant!
We'll have to start sewing soon to get the room ready for the little mister!
YOU look great girl!!
What a nice hospital, wow!!!!!!
Oh, my goodness! Baby Hami is getting so much bigger! You look adorable. And glad to see we'll have such nice digs to hang around in while we're waiting for his arrival. ;-)
I recognize those nice digs! I spent a week there last year when my sweet baby bulldawg nephew came into the world ;-) It's a wonderful, wonderful place to start your Mommy-life!
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