Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Seventeen Months

Carter turned seventeen months old on the 5th! My how time flies! He amazes me daily with the new things he’s picking up. He is funny, thoughtful, loving, and an absolute blast to be around. Not to mention the most handsome little devil I’ve ever seen ;) He doesn’t have the biggest vocabulary, but what he does say is clear as day! He loves to mimic his daddy, hums all the time, and has some serious dance moves. He is very stubborn and absolutely knows what he likes and what he doesn’t. Every day is a mix of challenges and tantrums now that we’ve entered the toddler phase of life but somehow we’re making it through and our sweet boy just continues to grow and fill our lives with pure joy!


Things Carter Says Regularly:

  • daddy, dada, mama
  • dis, dat
  • waffle, booberry
  • ball, balloon, bubbles
  • YES!, whoa, uh oh
  • goal (his daddy taught him that after kicking the soccer ball)
  • agoof, adriot (someone please translate- it would make my life SO much easier!)


Things Carter says on occasion:

  • up, down
  • go, out dare
  • down
  • woof, quack, moo
  • baba (water)


Things We Know He Can Do (but only if he feels like it):

  • Point to various body parts- nose, mouth, ear
  • Go down the stairs
  • Wave bye-bye


Eating: Carter has been living on smoothies this month! He has been boycotting pretty much anything but fruit and even that is touch and go. Even his beloved waffles are a no now! We start every morning with a bowl of cheerios and milk which he happily feeds himself a bite or two. I am amazed with how well he handles a spoon! He almost never makes a mess. We follow that up with a protein smoothie. Some new flavor combos this month are sweet potato/banana, raspberry/peach/banana, and blueberry/banana. I mix the fruit with protein powder, fiber, and some greens. He drinks these down in huge gulps so at least I know he’s getting some nutrition!


Sleeping: Baby C usually goes down around 9pm and sleeps a good 12+ hours through the night. What a welcome change that was. On rare occasion he goes for 14-15 hours. He takes a long afternoon nap around 2pm and sleeps anywhere from 1.5-3 hours. He usually wakes up happy and bouncing around in his crib. C sleeps with a pacifier (or five) and his white blankie.


Nursing: One of the questions I get asked regularly is if C is still breast feeding. The answer is yes! He nurses 3-4 times a day and we have no plans to stop. I never thought I would be interested in extended nursing but now that we’re pros I see no reason to wean until Carter initiates it. He has dropped feedings since we began so I know eventually he will taper off and not need me anymore. But for now, I am pleased that we can continue this special relationship and look forward to our special quiet time.


Carter Lewis Hamilton- August 5, 2011

Seventeen Months Old


Sjn said...

such a big boy now, with such beautiful blue eyes. Great pics for this post!

The Bignon Family said...

He is such a handsome little devil!! Good for you on the nursing....some days I really miss it and wish I had been brave enough to continue past a year (and if we would have let me!) :( Can you believe he will be one and a half next month! AHHHHH!

Tam said...

These are such WONDERFUL pictures Kelly! How did you get him to sit still and look into the camera for you? Magic?

I need some smoothie recipes! and which protein powder do you buy? O is a NO on waffles too now, figures because I have an entire CASE of them in the freezer. We're doing greek yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast right now.

Last week I made a mango/banana/kale smoothie and he took a few sips out of a big straw. I like that he eats green veggies this way. He also likes cucumbers peeled and diced. Who knew?

Yay for these little breastmilk boys! (we assume they'll stop one day, right? LOL!)

Becky said...

I love this post. Such a good idea to keep track of these things, especially his vocabulary. Pretty soon you won't be able to think of all the words. Gorgeous pics!

Nessa Bixler said...

Oh Kelly... he is getting so big. I love the request for a translator... I need one too.

I have tried smoothies, but Eva hates the greens in them - does your blender chop them up super fine so they are undetectable? Mine gets them tiny, but still noticeable.

Hooray for nursing. Eva stopped when she was 13 months. SHe went for 6-8 feedings a day to none in 2 weeks. I miss it though. I am glad it was her choice to stop - but it was earlier than I thought.

KariBeth and Josh Gentry said...

Great pictures!!! I can't believe that our babies are getting so big and old :( they are growing up way too fast!! I hope to be able to see him again before they turn 2!!

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