Monday, November 16, 2009

Mango Margaritas

Well, there won't be any of those for a few more months but that does just happen to be my favorite drink! Baby Hami is the size of a mango this week, although I have to assume he's a bit on the bigger side since he already weighed 15 ounces three weeks ago. What can I say, the Hamiltons grow 'em big! Did I mention all of Linc's siblings and everyone up his family tree weighed 10 pounds? He was six weeks early and still weighed 6lbs!

Baby H is much more active these days and spends a few minutes at a time doing what I have to assume are somersaults and twirls inside of me! I haven't seen any movement from the outside and so far Linc has not been able to feel him squirming, but it's getting stronger and I am sure any day now Baby H will show off for his daddy! The only major change in week 23 that I have noticed is my belly button is getting more and more shallow by the day. I have a feeling it will be an outie for the first time ever in a few short weeks!

This weekend at the wedding (and today back at work) I got some comments that I think deserve the title "Things You Should Not Say to a Pregnant Woman." I posted this thread a few weeks ago on one of my message boards and got some really ridiculous responses. Now, it might be hard to tell from just reading these comments, but if you had heard them in person you would have to agree with me that people should just not speak... ever...

In the bathroom getting ready for the wedding:
Girl- "How far along are you?"
Me- "A little over five months."
Girl- "OH my GOSH! You are HUGE for five months! I didn't even show until I was nine months along. People didn't even believe me that I was pregnant. Oh my gosh, you are going to be enormous. I stayed so little and my baby blah blah blah blah...."
Me- blank stare

Catching up after the reception:
Different Girl- "Oh wow...that looks like you're going to have an eleven pound baby. He must be huge. Good luck!"
Me- another blank stare

Walking down the hallway:
Obnoxious Coworker- "Geez (making motions around her stomach). That belly came out of nowhere!"
Me- blank stare...umm....thanks?

Really people...I know I'm bigger, but do you have to point it out every chance you get? Let a girl enjoy her belly and if you can't say something nice than shut up! Ha!


The Bignon Family said...

Haha!! Those are some good ones! People have no clue. You enjoy your cute belly! :)

Sjn said...

Yes, enjoy your baby belly Kel-Bell! You look great!

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