Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Snow" Day

This weekend Georgia was hit with it's first snow storm of 2009. What began as rain on Saturday and on into Sunday changed to light snow in my area around mid day. Now, we were impressed for all of five minutes but then the snow stopped and we were left with a pretty clear evening. I snapped a few "during" photos to document the event and then went about my business preparing for a busy work week. I went to bed joking that maybe we'd get a snow day- not realizing that the area south of us (where my school is located) had actually accumulated a decent amount of snow on the ground! And when I say decent, I mean less than an inch. This is Georgia, ya know!

I woke up around 5:30 yesterday morning and decided to hit the snooze button a few times. I am glad I did because at 6:01am my grade chair sent me a simple text message. "No School!" I didn't believe her since we had hardly gotten any snow at all but I got up and checked the school website and she was right. Our county NEVER cancels school. I mean never so needless to say I was quite excited. I managed to fall back asleep until around 9! What a luxury! I ate a nice breakfast, lounged around with my dogs, caught up on a bit of laundry, and even had time to run to the outdoor mall and get some new shoes and a cute purse! I had such a great day off and think the county should seriously consider a four day work week! That's one way to save money next year so we don't have to surplus all our teachers!!

There was still a bit of snow on the ground when I went to school today and the kids even tried to start up an ice fight during recess. Did anyone else get the day off? If so, I hope you enjoyed it and caught up on your rest! If only this weather would make up it's mind though- it's supposed to be in the seventies this weekend!!


Sjn said...

Snow trivia...when you were born, 25 years ago this week, it was snowing during our stay in the hospital. Of course, that was NY, and they just got ~ 9 inches from this same storm.

The Newly Mrs. said...

I completely agree about the 4-day work week (not just for teachers, though...I need it, too!).

Candace said...

I agree about the 4 day work week. I usually get to enjoy that luxury, and it ruins my whole week when I don't!

Raven said...

I saw your comment on Clever girl goes Blog about bringing back "Hey Dude." I clicked on your profile pic. Sorry, I'm nosy. Then I noticed that you were a 2nd grade teacher! Well I teach 1st grade in AR! Then I thought I just had to comment to let you know that that show rocked! Hope you don't mind. :)

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