Our mommy group likes to get out every once and a while without the babies and have conversations that don’t have to do with poop or tantrums. This past week a few of us met up at a pottery painting studio and got our “craft” on. It was so therapeutic to just paint, talk, and relax! After closing down the store we headed out for some Mexican food. Even though conversations focused on our tiny ones at home, it was still nice to get out! I love my mommy friends and I love being able to spend time getting to know them better. It’s gotten harder and harder to talk during play group because the babies are all over the place so these nights are much appreciated! Carter had a great slumber party at Hattie and Poppy’s house and I am so thankful that they live nearby and are willing to watch their wild grand boy so I can have a night off. We have a few more nights out planned throughout the holidays and I can’t wait!
Next week we’ll get to go pick up our finished pottery! I am looking forward to seeing how my candle holders turn out since the paint colors in these pictures are very deceiving. They should fire and glaze to be navy, red, and gold to match my downstairs living room. Fingers crossed they turn out ok!!!
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