Monday, July 25, 2011


My photography hobby seems to be taking off and I had my first paying client last week. I met this little boy through a Baby Brigade mom and was asked to take his two year old portraits. It is really hard to do a session with a busy toddler but we had lots of fun and I learned that all children have minds of their own! I had one idea of how his portraits would go, but little Alex decided that was not going to work for him! Thankfully we were in an area where he could roam and explore and I think his mother was very happy with how the photos turned out. It showed off his very active personality perfectly!

Please excuse the double dose of annoying watermarks but apparently you can never be too careful!











I learned very quickly going into this project that I do not enjoy editing photos very much!! It is definitely the most time consuming task and I would loose patience very quickly. I can understand why professional photographers charge so much for their time but, all the more reason for me to continue practicing and trying to get that perfect shot so I have less work to do behind the scenes!

If you have constructive criticism, I would love hearing it. Obviously I am NOT a professional and still have lots to learn so it always helps when people can contribute and help me see what needs work.


Sjn said...

I think they came out GREAT! He may be on the move but he was looking right at you. So many cute and characteristic shots of a toddler for sure! I love the contrast of the shot on the stoop when he's wearing the red shirt. Love the texture of that old door and the brick with him to the side.
A+ from me on this shoot!

Megan said...

First off, great shots! I have had my own business for over a year now, and I learned that the tighter I get in on the subject with the lens the less editing, also adjusting my ISO and WB changes things drastically in the world of non editing! Good luck, it takes lots of practice and learning, but you are doing great!

Katie Reeder said...

So PROUD of you! Great pics. Go get 'em girl!

Tam said...

Great shots Kelly! I've found the best time to shoot is overcast, dusk, dawn. Direct sunlight SUCKS! If you use your 50mm and get in tight you can capture some really sparkly face stuff (that's a technical term, ya know?)

I need a magical lens... LIKE NOW!

Nessa Bixler said...

These are wonderful. I can see why she is so very happy. Give yourself the credit you deserve!

KariBeth and Josh Gentry said...

These are wonderful pictures, Kelly!! Great job! When I come to Atlanta next, you are hired to take our pictures :)

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