If you missed Saturday’s post, go check it out for a sneak peek at Carter’s first birthday invitation!
Carter turned 11 months old on Saturday! I am absolutely loving this stage and I swear every day just keeps getting better and better. Carter has such an amazing personality and I love spending my days watching him figuring things out. He is definitely determined and you can see the wheels turning in his brain at every challenge. He is getting good use out of the hundreds of books I brought back from my classroom but isn’t always the most gentle with them! His favorite book seems to be a board book called Colors with Albert and Amy. It has two little wheels that you spin and match up the colors on each page. He just figured out how to spin it himself and will sit there listening to me read it over and over again!
His sleep schedule has become a bit crazy this month, although it has actually been a welcome change! He has been staying up later in order to spend more time with Linc and going to bed around 9-10pm!! I know, I know…BUT, he has then been sleeping 12-14 hours solid at night! The other day he slept in until 11:45 am. I don’t think I have ever woken up so refreshed. And panicked. Of course my reaction when I wake up first is to freak out, but I have to trust that he is getting older and can handle sleeping through the night without me. I miss our late night snuggle sessions but am enjoying all of the extra rest!
I am so proud to say that we are still exclusively breastfeeding and I have no plans to stop just because he turns one. Why bother when I finally feel like we are pros at it? We’ll probably start introducing milk eventually, but I am not in any rush to wean. In fact, the thought of weaning makes me incredibly sad and until C becomes a better solid food eater I don’t feel comfortable taking away his main source of nutrition. He is pretty picky and does not eat three regular full meals consistently. We’ll just see how the next few months go and take it from there! I am sure C will let me know when he is ready. ;)
As we quickly come to the end of Carter’s first year I can’t help but look ahead with excitement! As much as I loved having an infant, I absolutely cannot wait to experience the “toddler phase” and for him to start communicating with us verbally. Not to say that C is anywhere near walking yet, but we’ll get there someday! He is very cautious in his movements and has just recently started letting go and trying to stand without holding on. As far as talking, C has a very wide range of words he likes to say including mama, dada, baba, gaga, ya-ya, hi, up, and on very rare occasion he says bye. He definitely does not associate any of these words with what they mean, but we're working on it! He has started saying the “uh” in uh-oh but can’t seem to squeak out that second syllable! Some other “tricks” he is practicing include waving hello, inserting a ball into his ramp toy, and he can also drink out of a regular straw. He hums and sings all day long too and loves to hear the sound of his own voice! haha
I love these two pictures. They capture what a thinker he is! He can be so serious!
I just love this boy so much! Such a little ham!
Eleven Month Stats: 26 pounds 2 ounces -- 31 inches tall -- size 4 diapers -- 12-24 month clothing
Ah! Our boys are SO similar. Owen has had a crazy schedule too but I think it is because of him being sick. I'd rather stick to the 730 bedtime and get some alone time with jeremy. I feel like when he sleeps in until 10am our day is gone! We're still nursing too and I feel the exact same way. O is by no means a pro with solids so I like knowing he is getting the good stuff from me.
Happy 11 months baby C!! y0u'll be reading before we know it. sigh.
so cute just hangin' out reading in his leather chair, lol!
So fun to hear all the latest updates with C! Can't wait to see him in person in a month to celebrate the big O-N-E!! Love you xoxo
Good for you that your still nursing!!! Lila gave up completely at 6 months so I pumped exclusively (such a pain!!) for two more months after that! Way to go Carter!! Happy 11 months sweet boy!
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