Saturday, April 24, 2010

Seven Weeks Old

Carter, yesterday you turned seven weeks old! My how the time flies! We are in the middle of what I hope is just a growth spurt and I am ready for it to end very soon. You start your days off SO happy- with big smiles, lots of giggles, playing and cuddling with momma, and "talking" back to me. Come afternoon though...a different baby emerges. Let's just say I am ready for daddy to get home from work so I can have a few moments to myself! All in all though, you are such a sweet boy and this time is going by too fast. Even though it's tough right now, I know I shouldn't wish away the sleepless nights, growth spurts, and fussy periods because this "in arms" stage is way too short. I love holding you, smelling your little head, and watching you gaze back at me with a huge toothless grin. As we head into month two, here are some things about you:
  • We have transitioned you to Size 2 diapers. They are still pretty big in the waist but do a much better job containing your big messes!
  • It's time to pack away all your newborn clothes and even some 0-3 month items. You have a really long, narrow torso though (despite having a Buddha belly) so the bigger clothes are still a bit baggy in the tummy. But, by the time they fit width wise I'm sure you'll be too long for them anyway!!
  • You are sleeping about 2.5-3 hour stretches at night. Not a huge improvement from the early days and makes for one tired mommy! You still sleep swaddled and prefer to rest your head on the right side.
  • You have rejected every single type of pacifier! Every once and a while you find your thumb or index finger so maybe you'll use those to self soothe instead of mommy.
  • We make eye contact occasionally and those are some of my most favorite moments!
  • You love to "talk" and discover new ways to use your voice every day.
  • Every day you get stronger and stronger! I can't believe how powerful your little legs are. You'll be scooting before we know it!
Lunch out at St. Ives on your seven week birthday!


Sjn said...

Looks like the pups are staying on "their side" of the bed, ha! He was such a happy, smiley face yesterday after lunch, wish we had more time to visit before we had to head out to golf. It was a gorgeous afternoon with perfect weather and all the azaleas still in bloom. I was so disappointed I left my camera at home and didn't capture the course, but glad we got a nice family pic of you three!

Mrs. MidAtlantic said...

Lulu was great in mornings, and fussy in the afternoons for a while too. I thought growth spurt at first, but then realized she was just bored!

I'm actually feeding her less often now. When she fusses, my first line of defense is playtime. It's helped a lot! Good luck!

Becky said...

Sounds like he's on track!

I love that pic of you three.

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