Our twenty week appointment went really well yesterday and Baby H is just trucking right along. Before our 3-D the tech suggested drinking some orange juice to wake him up. It didn't work then, but oh my goodness did it work this time! Our poor ultrasound tech was getting annoyed because he was a little
too mobile and wouldn't stay still for her measurements! He finally calmed down and she was able to see what she needed. All the major organs are present and accounted for and are growing and developing nicely. His heart rate was 150
bpm, which she said was a little high, but considering how active he was being it made sense! My midwife put our due date back between March 11-15th, but I am sure he will just come whenever he is good and ready! The pictures we got were awful because he was swimming all over the place, but here is one of the most decent shots. And yes, we did get confirmation for him being all boy, but for Baby H's sake I won't post that photo!!
Here are a few measurements I was able to write
down as we went through the check up:
Head- 20 weeks 5 days
Legs- 20 weeks 2 days
Belly- 22 weeks!!
Weight- 15 ounces
I was worried his head would be massive, but now it looks like we just have a little piglet on our hands! Thankfully my midwife says his weight is perfectly within range! Next big check up is the one hour glucose test and I came home today with the lovely orange flavored goo. Not really looking forward to that one, but I have a month to get over it!
So glad I could be there to see him!
Cute! And the orange drink appointment isn't so bad. I remember thinking, this is about like drinking a soda.
Thanks for the update:) Sounds like you're doing great. Can't wait to see your beautiful baby glow and that sweet hubby in 3weeks!! <3 oxox
It tastes like Fanta or an orange soda. No worries! Cute baby boy!
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