Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thirty Day Shred

Back in January I joined Weight Watchers (see #22) to help in my never ending journey to loose a few pounds. So far I am down 12 pounds (WAHOO!!) and quite satisfied with the results, but with bathing suit season only a few weeks away it's time to get serious! I have recently seemed to hit my plateau- where my current diet and exercise routine is not enough and I need to step it up a notch in order to keep loosing weight. I don't have a gym membership and Jazzercise wasn't cutting it anymore and even though I have a treadmill in my bedroom that is about the worst form of torture I could put myself through! After doing some research online I decided to try the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred video. She's one tough cookie and the trainer for the show Biggest Loser.

I play tennis at least twice a week and feel fairly in shape but I was excited to add a little something different to my weekly regime. I actually watched the work out routines online before trying them myself and thought that doesn't look too hard...I am laughing now because if only you could have heard me during this intense, non stop 20 minute work out. Panting. like. a. dog. and crying out for mercy! I had Linc take a picture of me after I was done and I don't think it shows exactly how purple my face was or the fact that I am totally soaked through with sweat. That smirk even makes me look like I'm feeling a bit energized and ready for more. Not the case!! She (meaning Jillian) said it should be easier by day 5 and then I'll be ready to move on to level 2. Yikes...what did I get myself into? Day one down...29 more to go! Wish me luck!

Anyone else out there ever try the Shred? What other workout videos do you guys do in order to get ready for beach weather? Let me know! =)


Sjn said...

you go girl!
wish me luck, today's our last ALTA before the playoffs. I WILL WIN today!
(going in with a "good head")

Lil' Woman said...

go the new layout!! :)

Candace said...

I'm so proud of you! 12 pounds is great. I just got P90X, so once things calm down a little bit, I'll start that. I'll let you know what I think once I've done it a week, but my goal is 13 weeks.

The Newly Mrs. said...

great job, kel! (and is it just me, or do your "girls" look huge in that red-faced photo?!) working out must be good! ;-) xoxo

Jen and Rob said...

Congrats on your 12 pounds! That's great. I've tried the Shred video. Unfortunately only made it through week 1 though. I nickamed Gillian Killian because the 20 minutes seemed like 90 minutes and I felt like I had never worked out a day in my life. I'm doing an outdoor fitness bootcamp now three days a week.

Kids, Canines, and Chaos said...

Good for you! I've been thinking very hard about doing the Jillian Michaels work out. I'm glad to hear that it's working for you. I have such a hard time getting in the mood to work out and I'm totally work-out ADHD-- I can't do things for very long or they become SUPER boring. Maybe I'll convince hubby to get me the DVD!

Britt said...

One thing I read when researching workout videos is do level one the first day, level two the following day and three the next. That way you don't get burned out doing the same thing everyday. I will let you know how it goes. Congrats on the 12 pounds:) That is an amazing accomplishment, you should be very proud of yourself!!

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