Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oh How Quickly They Catch On...

The other day my students and I were sitting in circle time getting ready to go home. I was explaining to them about their homework folders and how they need to bring it back to school every day. Since this would be the first time they would be doing so, I mentioned to the class that if they brought back their folder they would get a special prize. One little boy raised his hand and we proceeded to have this conversation...

"Boys and girls since this is the first day you will take your folder home when you bring it back tomorrow I will have a special treat for you."
Student (7 going on 35)- "Mrs. Hamilton, that is what we do to my dog."
Me- a little confused- "What do you mean?"
Too smart for his own good- "We give her a treat when she does something good. Like when she pees outside I get to give her a cookie!"
Me- laughing inside at this analogy- " is helpful to reward good behavior!"

I was just cracking up inside at how much insight this little one has. I had never compared training students to get into their routine and know what is expected to praising and training a dog but how similar they are in the end! And yes, every student brought their folder in the very next day and were absolutely thrilled to get a big sticker for their name tag! It's just the little things in life after a conversation like that to help remind me that they are still so young!


The Newly Mrs. said...

I wish I could come in to your class and see you at work. I am sure you are fantastic! How many kids do you have this year?

Kelly said...

17- which is the perfect number! keep your fingers crossed that i don't get more! =)

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