Monday, January 31, 2011

Carter and the Twins


The other day Carter and I strolled across the street to our neighbor’s house. They had boy/girl twins three weeks before C was born and we were so excited to finally have a play date with them! Turns out, we were their very first play date and goodness did these babies have fun! I cannot imagine having twins and give major props to mommy Devinn for raising these two little sweeties. Carter loved playing with Madison and Harison and had such a great time exploring their house, munching on yummy snacks, and trying juice for the first time! That night Baby C must have been worn out because he slept for 14 HOURS straight without making a peep!! We can’t wait to hang out with the baby twins again soon and are really looking forward to their first birthday party at Gymboree in just a few short weeks.







The aftermath of our play time!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Playtime at Trent’s

We had some wild and crazy play time this past Thursday at Trent’s house. It was a little rambunctious with six boys and two girls but it was so nice to hang out with everyone! My neighbor Halie and little baby Kayden tagged along and hopefully they had fun too! It won’t be long before Kayden joins in on the playing, but for now she enjoys cuddling up in her momma’s arms and taking it all in!






Picnik collage


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blankie Love

Wow...please ignore me talking in this video. Do I really sound like that??

Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo Friday

The snow storm was really the highlight at the beginning of the month and since then nothing else too exciting has been going on. It is so cold and yucky out right now so C and I spend a lot of time at home playing in his room. It may not make for the most exciting blog posts, but I sure do get a lot of pictures for his scrapbook!! This child never sits still and you should hear the noises I have to make in order to get him to look at the camera! Thank goodness we are home alone or people might begin to worry about me!






Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rainy Day Play



These are some of my favorite pictures from our rainy day play group at Dylan’s house on Tuesday. The top picture is Spencer and the second one is baby host Dylan. I love their facial expressions! Obviously Carter is not the only one who gets sick of me following him around and taking pictures hahahaha




Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Story Time with Daddy

We don’t do bath time every night before bed but we do have a routine we like to stick to! This particular evening Daddy and Carter were enjoying some special bonding time while reading one of my favorite stories- The Lamb-a-roo. It is so cute and teaches a sweet lesson about adoption. The two main characters are a baby lamb and a mother kangaroo. The little lamb is all alone and wants to find a mommy and the kangaroo wants a baby. It is really sweet and I highly recommend reading it!








Had to get in on a little snuggle time with my bubs before bed!!



Goodnight, sleep tight sweet little buddha. We love you very much!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Carter’s First 1st Birthday Present

The other day we received a very special and unexpected package in the mail- Carter’s first 1st birthday present. My Aunt Jenna had sent him a Radio Flyer Fire Engine! It took a few days to get it set up (plus a hammer, wrench, screwdriver, and some man power) but Carter loves it! I was really impressed he could sit on it and Linc pushed him all around the downstairs. C really seemed to have fun! I can’t figure out why the video goes all blurry half way through, but I had to show Jen how much he loves it!!



Monday, January 24, 2011

Up, Up and Away!

The other day we had playgroup at our house. What a difference it is now from when we first started! These babies never sit still anymore. We have some curious explorers in our group and had a lot of fun watching them cruise around the downstairs. We had to order a baby gate to go at the bottom of the stairs and it hadn’t come in yet, so when Carter and Macey discovered the opening they set off! These two have no fear and made it up the stairs without looking back. Dylan and Spencer stayed at the bottom, but I have no doubt that they will be joining the other two trouble makers before we know it!







Sunday, January 23, 2011

Baby Brigade Out to Lunch

It’s hard to believe that our little group has been together for almost a year now and we went from itty bittys hanging out in their car seats to big babies sitting up at the table! The whole group (minus Julie and Allison) went out to lunch and all the babies joined us for a delicious meal. My neighbor Halie and her seven week old daughter Kayden came too and all the mommies were oohing and aahing over her! Were they really ever that small?? I remembered to take out my little camera at the very end of the meal but unfortunately did not get a single good picture. I had to document the 9 babies though (even though Kerri and Miles had to leave early)!! We have never gone out to lunch with the majority of the group and can you believe there was not one single tantrum, meltdown, or screaming fit?



Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bubs in the Tub


He even does the signature “stink face” when he’s nice and clean!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Picture Overload


Just a few more pictures from last Saturday to hold you over until after the weekend…










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