Saturday, February 28, 2009

Welcoming March

I realize I am a day early but I have been working on this new March redo for a while and couldn't wait another day to put it up. I am going to try and only change my blog once a month so that each header and the color scheme represents the month of the year. I was so excited about this plan that I already have April's ready and waiting!

As we welcome in a new month there is a lot to look forward to:
  • My birthday
  • Tessa turns two
  • Dad's birthday
  • tennis begins- both ALTA and T2
  • that much closer to summer vacation ;)
I have enjoyed February, but not necessarily this crazy weather and am ready for some sunshine and flip flops. I am never one to wish away winter (it is my favorite season!) but since it seems like we are hanging in limbo I am ready for spring and all the excitement it brings. I hope everyone is enjoying the last day of February and has a nice, relaxing weekend!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Apparently I Need...

I'm not going to lie...I have left that last post up for as long as possible on purpose so lots of people would read it! But yesterday my mom someone mentioned that my blog was boring now and I needed an update. My friend Stacee tagged me on her blog to complete the following activity so I thought I would give it a try. You take your name and google "______ needs" and write down the first ten posts that come up in the search. I had seen a variation of this on facebook but never tried it out. So, without further ado, these are the things that "Kelly needs..."
  1. Kelly needs her brother backstage (I do not have a brother. Or a stage for that matter.)
  2. Kelly needs a quivering antennae (This was in reference to someone reading The Hungry Caterpillar to her children, which is something I have done, but not sure I need one of those!)
  3. Kelly needs patience right now (yes, yes I do. In all aspects of my life!)
  4. Kelly needs to feel important to someone (I do feel important on most days.)
  5. Kelly needs better lighting in her closet (I think it's fine...)
  6. Kelly needs to keep the drama going (Um, no thank you. No drama llamas needed.)
  7. Kelly needs help (I need help landscaping my backyard! Any takers?!)
  8. Kelly needs a new job (Is this a sign?! We just had our surplus meeting and I find out today whether I have a job here next year or not...)
  9. Kelly needs a new attitude (I have been suffering from the "winter blues" lately but I think it's getting better!)
  10. Kelly needs airbrushing (Well sure, don't we all?)
This actually turned out to be very funny and surprisingly accurate, except for the whole quivering antennae thing. Just for kicks I tag Kristin, Alex, and Mom to see what they need in life! And Eileen because she has not updated her blog in four months and it's driving me crazy!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Better Is One Day

When I was in high school I had a moment where I experienced exactly what Heaven would be like. I was in a crowded auditorium surrounded by hundreds of other students singing and praising God at the top of our lungs. Tears streamed down my face and an overwhelming feeling filled my entire body. It was truly an amazing experience and I turned to the person next to me and just knew this is exactly how it would be. I was at IMPACT at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee with kids from all over the southeast and my home church. This is the weekend I came to really know God and feel Him speak to my heart. On June 20, 2000 I was baptized by my best friend and youth minister on a night I will never forget. After worship everyone came to lay hands on me and we prayed for my spiritual walk and the strength to remain fully committed to God. I was then carried to the pool with everyone singing around me and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior under the stars and the clear night sky. I have never felt closer or more intimate with God and wanted that feeling and passion to last forever.

Fast forward a few years to my senior year in high school. I had an amazing group of friends from my youth group and was extremely involved in my church but out of nowhere questions began to arise in my head that I was unable to answer. Things that were confusing to me and made me start doubting what I had come to know as truth. One night, a Wednesday, during group our minister was leading us in a beautiful set of songs and suddenly I had a nagging feeling that I had just been going through the motions lately. What was I singing about? What did these words really mean to me? And then he stopped to pray for us but in between songs I will never forget what he said. The lights were dim, it was a very somber moment, and he stated that if you did not believe, if you did not understand the words, to stop singing. And I stopped...

...I stopped for four years. Four miserable years in college where I began to hate the person I was becoming, where I attended church group but couldn't listen to what the preacher was saying and never really got the message. Four long years that turned into five and seemed like an eternity. Now don't get me wrong, I had some fun times in college, made some amazing friends, and have some great memories. But it wasn't enough, I was never fulfilled. These were the days when I began to wonder if I was too young back then to really understand the significance of the decision I had made that night. After two years of growing closer to God what had happened that I had grown content in just going through the motions and not actively pursuing a relationship with Him? I was not sure of the answers to these questions that filled my mind but I knew I would not be truly happy again until I figured it out.

When we moved back from California I knew in my heart that something was missing. I was incomplete and there was a hole in my life that was unfulfilled. I was very happily married with a good job, two fun pups, and a family who loved me. But again, it wasn't enough. And so, after careful consideration I attended a group event at my local church to find a small group. I went at it a little backwards and did not actually start going to the church until I had already met with the group a few times. Although these ladies were nice, I did not seem to fit in. We did not have the same struggles. They were looking for husbands, I was looking for God. I became discouraged and stopped attending both the group and church. A friend from high school who ended up being my current next door neighbor prompted me to try again a few months later. This time I found a group with women from all walks of life and knew right away I had found the support, encouragement, and positive examples I needed to get my life back on track. A few months later I am finally feeling like I am making progress and coming to know God once again.

We attended a night of worship together last night that moved me to tears. Hundreds of us took communion together- an act that connects us with Christians all around the world- and for the first time in a while I was able to pray and really mean the words that I feel and believe in my heart. I may never be able to quote scripture or win a theological argument and I might always be the one fumbling around because I can't seem to remember the order of the books of the bible, but I know that God is always and will always be in the back of my head and in my heart urging me forward, sending me encouragement, and never letting me forget how much He loves me. No matter how turned around I get or how long it's been since I've talked to Him, He always brings me back in a powerful and moving way. I have a long road ahead of me filled with many more twists, turns, and detours but that's ok. I know life is not easy but it definitely helps to have faith that in all of this there is an ultimate plan for me. It may be hard to see and to know where all of this is headed but I just have to stay strong and keep on believing...

I guess you could say this is my testimony- a story I have not shared with very many people. So why now, why here? Honestly, it just felt like the right time. Although it seems many people read my posts, this blog provides a small sense of anonymity and it is much easier to be brutally honest with myself and my circumstances when I know I am not going to be running into most of you at the food store tomorrow. And maybe someone out there is reading this and comes to realize that they are not alone- someone else shares their same struggles and it's time to be honest with themselves. No one is perfect and I myself am very far from it but it doesn't matter because God loves us and the only way to find true contentment in life is to understand that fact. I am lazy, selfish, ungrateful, and mean. I do not read my bible every day or go to church every Sunday and sometimes I realize it's been days since I actually prayed but it's OK! He still loves me! A love that is unfailing. A love that is so strong and powerful He sent His only Son for me. God knew me before I even came to this Earth and knew what my life was going to be like. He knows my triumphs and my every screw up and He loves me anyway. What a powerful thought. A thought that every once and a while I forget and He always manages to set me straight.

Thank you for reading this far and for joining me in the story of my walk. If you have a story you feel moved to share please feel free to leave it below. I would love to pray for you =)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hand Painted Signs

I stumble upon new blogs all the time and am a sucker for those that have great contests! I have yet to win anything but it never hurts to try! Click on over to My Flip Flopz and see the work that designer Susie Bettenhausen creates. She is holding a giveaway for a custom hand painted sign like this one in the picture. Her shop has some great ideas and I personally want the one that says "Merry Merry" to hang up on our front door for Christmas. Never too early to plan ahead!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Terrible Twos

Today my little Jack Russell Terrorist turns two years old! It's hard to imagine how fast time flies. It seems like just the other day we were driving through the boondocks and playing with this tiny litter of puppies trying hard to choose just the right one. Thankfully my husband chose Westin and then a few months later baby Tess joined the bunch and we have been a happy family ever since!

Unfortunately, like all siblings, ours sometimes get into little scuffles now and again over silly things like bones and toys. Last night the pups decided that they each had to have the same bone- despite there being six others scattered around the house. I could hear them messing around from the other room and when the growls escalated into an actual dog fight I broke it up and they went their separate ways. This morning I awoke to find Tessa sleeping right by my side with a deep cut slowly dripping blood onto my jammies. I immediately called the vet because it looked really painful and Tess would not let me touch it.

Linc had already taken them outside when he left for work so I thought she had cut herself while playing around. Once I got her to the doctor they told me it was in fact a bite mark...caused by none other than her bully of a brother! The poor little thing was bleeding all night long and I didn't even know!! Now she's at the vet, sedated, while they shave her, suture her up, and give her antibiotics to help make sure the wound doesn't get infected. And where is the birthday boy you might ask? Fast asleep in my lap (snoring) while I type. Of course I can't be mad at him because I know it was an accident and he doesn't even know what he did ended up hurting her. The vet said Tessa would be ready to go home around 4 o'clock so hopefully she wakes up from the anesthesia just fine and heals quickly. If this is any indication of how our pups will be acting during their "terrible twos" year we are in for a bumpy ride!!

* * Update- 3:30- I was able to pick Tessa up a little early after her ordeal at the vet. She is looking a bit groggy after getting stapled shut and pumped full of pain medication and antibiotics but the first thing she did when she got home was run around outside and bark at the workers next door. She was not too thrilled with Westin trying to get her riled up to play but it seems all is back to normal in the Hamilton household and hopefully no hard feelings between the pups!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Valentine's Day Treat

My mother and I began planning for Valentine's Day back in January when we found out her club was doing a romantic four course dinner. This is my most favorite place to eat in the world so of course I told her to get us a table! Linc and I don't normally do anything for V-day so to spend it with my parents was not so out of the ordinary. We met them for drinks at the club where we were presented with a beautiful red rose and found out that our table was ready early. The dining room was all decked out- red napkins, candles everywhere, beautiful flowers, and the best part of all...a harpist! She was playing the most amazing music while we enjoyed our dinner and company. The first course was my favorite, a cup of lobster bisque soup complete with heart shaped biscuit on top! Following the first course was a very colorful hearts of palm salad with mango dressing. I wasn't a huge fan but ate every bite of mango there was! We had a short break to enjoy our wine and champagne and then our waitress brought out the main dish- Filet Mignon and crab cakes. There were two delicious sauces that met in the middle, a few asparagus, and a side of mashed potatoes. It was the perfect blend of tastes and I ate every bite (except for the potatoes of course...). After ordering another bottle of champagne we ate our dessert of mini chocolate molten cakes with a side of raspberry coulis and hazelnut ice cream. What a treat! Even though it was a prix fixe menu we were able to choose ahead of time and what I was imagining couldn't hold a candle to what we actually got. We had so much fun reminiscing with my parents and updating them about jobs and what has been going on around home lately. I would say this is the best perk of living so close to them and I really enjoy all the time we are able to spend together! We parted ways after a few photos and Linc and I headed home to go to bed! I finally put on the new flannel sheets we got from The Company Store about a month ago with our cute monogrammed pillows. While the night wasn't romantic per se, it was so much fun and exactly what we wanted. The best part of all was waking up to a handmade card from my thoughtful and loving husband. I hope you all had as much fun as we did and spent time with the ones you love! Happy Valentine's Day 2009! xoxo

PS- Don't forget to check out the new header I made for my
friend "A". She is holding her first giveaway on her website!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Do you know what I don't love?!

...being woken up at 7 AM on my day off by hammering, pounding, banging, cutting, yelling, and the noise of a generator. Why must they build a house right next door to us on my only day to sleep in?!

I wake up most days by five o'clock so is it too much to ask that I am allowed to sleep in, peacefully unaware of the world around me until my body deems it sufficiently reenergized? I guess so! least they're getting it done now and not ruining my summer vacation. But still.

With Love

Baby Accessories Giveaway

My friend "A" is having her very first giveaway on her new blog. You could win a coordinating bib and burp cloth set from Sarita Baby. The front is made of a gender-neutral designer fabric and the back is an ultra soft chocolate brown fleece. I am hoping to win this contest but wanted to spread the word about her site. "A" writes great reviews about baby products that will be very informative in the future! Click on over to her site and enter the giveaway...good luck!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick and Easy Weekday Meal

Cooking is not something I like to do after work- I am usually too tired and don't like to think that hard but when I came across a new recipe yesterday I knew I wanted to try it. I have gotten in the habit of making a few dishes on Sunday and putting them into one serving containers to take to school or eat for dinner. Even so, I have trouble cooking for just two people because the leftovers usually last us so long that they go bad before we can eat them all. I hate wasting food but this recipe is perfect for two and makes enough food that we ate it all up! So I present to you my new favorite dish adapted from the WW website- Toaster Oven Tilapia.

You Will Need:
1 tsp olive oil

1/2 tsp table salt, or to taste
1/4 tsp black pepper, or to taste
3 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
2 tbsp Panko bread crumbs
1 tsp chives, fresh, minced
2 tsp reduced-calorie mayonnaise
8 oz tilapia, two 4-oz fillets
1/4 medium lemon(s), cut into 2 wedges
1 small zucchini
1 small yellow squash
1/2 cup onions

  • Preheat toaster oven to 450ºF. Coat a shallow 9-inch round or rectangular baking dish with cooking spray.

  • On a dinner plate, combine cheese and bread crumbs; season with salt and pepper. In a small bowl, combine chives and mayonnaise. Lightly brush one side of each fillet with mayonnaise mixture; press that side of fish into cheese mixture. Place fish, coated-side up, on other half of prepared baking dish.

  • Bake until fish is cooked through, about 13 to 16 minutes. Remove to plates and squeeze with fresh lemon juice.

  • While fish is baking in the toaster, preheat a small amount of olive oil in a saute pan and cook onions until they are almost transparent on medium heat.

  • Add zucchini and squash, salt and pepper to taste, and continue cooking over medium heat for about seven minutes- or until tender.
We ate this delicious meal with a side of leftover Macaroni Salad I had made last week. It was amazing! The chive mayo really makes the whole thing so juicy and flavorful and the veggies are a nice light side for this fish. The whole process only took me about 20 minutes. I hope you try this out and let me know what you think!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Alex's Birthday

What better way to spend a beautiful weekend in February, with temps in the mid 70s, than by going to the lake and celebrating a birthday! My little sister turned 22 on Sunday and we all headed out to my parent's lake house to hang out and relax. We were blessed with some amazing weather and were even able to take the boat on a sunset cruise to eat dinner at the Ritz Carlton on Saturday night. We sat outside on the porch overlooking the water and enjoying the fire that was roaring in front of us. After some delicious food and a few birthday cocktails we bundled up for the short boat ride home in the dark to play Mexican Train Dominoes and eat cake. On Sunday we had a large breakfast of quiche, fruit, and muffins and went to see "He's Just Not That Into You" at the new movie theater in town. What a great movie and an awesome way to finish off the weekend! Alex headed back to school after the movie and Linc and I ate a delicious taco dinner with my parents before hitting the highway. We had such a fun time and I can't wait to do it again soon! Happy Birthday Alex!! I love you!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm an Aunt!

I am so excited to welcome Jax Morgan into the family! Kristin and Ryan adopted a beautiful shepherd/husky mix this weekend from a local shelter and brought her home. They have such a great backyard- it was meant to have puppies running around in it. I cannot wait to meet her and see how she plays with her doggie cousins.

For those of you curious about her name there is a neat story. Kris went to UGA and Ryan went to UF- HUGE rivals in the football world (we even got them a house divided flag for Christmas). Jacksonville is the neutral city where these two teams face off each fall, hence the name. They had originally picked it out for a boy dog but it works well for this little baby too! Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for puppies so she already has a special place in my heart! Congrats you guys!

PS- a very special shout out to my beautiful little sister Alex who turned 22 today!! Birthday/Lake weekend post coming soon (when I get some pictures!)

Friday, February 6, 2009

It Started With a...

Well, it really all started when I got an email from a new blogging friend that had seen my work and asked me to create a colorful new header for her website. In light of Valentine's Day coming up I have to say this is one of my favorite designs I have done so far! Kristen emailed me the sweetest picture from her engagement photo shoot and knew what she wanted the title to be. You can see what came of it down below or click on over to her website and take a look!

I am going out of town in a few minutes for my little sister's birthday but wanted to get this post up so you guys had something new to look at while I am away! I have a few more new friends who are anxiously waiting for their headers and those should be ready very soon! Have a great weekend and go outside and enjoy this beautiful (but crazy) weather! No wonder everyone is so sick...!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things- Blog Edition

Enough people tagged me on Facebook to try this "25 Random Things About You" that I figured I would give it a shot...but on here, not FB since I rarely ever sign on anymore. So, here goes nothing!

  1. I have lived in Georgia for almost 19 years but ask me where I am from and I will always say Long Island.
  2. The day we moved (in April) it had been snowing and I got in a snowball fight with the movers.
  3. I became a Christian when I was sixteen but lost my way in college. I am finally making my way back to a relationship with Him and have an amazing small group to help me get there. My best friends, parents, and sisters are all such positive examples too and have encouraged me more than they know!
  4. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher but for some reason tried my hand at nursing when I went to Clemson. You can see how that turned out! I got horrendous food poisoning in college which sent me in and out of the hospital for two days. That is when I changed my major to teaching because if I had had to take of me, I would have quit!! Those poor nurses...
  5. I grew up as a barn rat surrounded by horses any chance I could get. My first friend when we moved down here got me hooked and even though my parents were hoping it was a phase, I never grew out of it!
  6. Some of my favorite memories growing up are with my barn friends- trying to learn how to drive stick in the golf cart, Martha Stooowart and Friends, winning second place at the horse show by entering the cat, all our many adventures at Pepperonis, racing in the pastures, our ER Vets movie...I could go on forever!
  7. I have only been in three major accidents since I started riding (including breaking my thumb right before Christmas!). Of course I have fallen off about a million times, but last April I had such a bad fall that I seriously injured my tailbone. I had to go to physical therapy three times a week for two months and I still have issues with it to this day.
  8. I haven't ridden since that fall and I say that I am too busy with school but the honest truth is that I have been scared to get back on! That accident crushed my confidence and that's very hard for me to admit.
  9. When I was little my mom and dad signed a piece of paper that said they would help to buy me a horse when I was 25. If only I could find that damn thing in time...
  10. My other love in life besides horses is my husband! Lincoln and I met in a parking lot when both of our best friends brought us to church. It wasn't until after the service that he introduced himself across the hood of a car. I was sixteen and he had just turned seventeen.
  11. Our first date was with a group of my friends at a park. Poor Linc lived so far away that he didn't get there until closing time (sunset) and we had to leave! We headed to the local ice cream store and hung out for hours talking and goofing off. I had to take one of my friends home, but when I hugged him goodbye I knew I was hooked!
  12. We dated long distance for the entire six years we were boyfriend and girlfriend. Then we got engaged and lived on different coasts for two years while I planned my dream wedding! Then six months after we were married we were apart for four more months while I finished school! When people complain about long distance relationships I just laugh at them, they have no idea!
  13. After getting married and before finishing school I lived in California and taught preschool at the most amazing Jewish Community Center- complete with free gym membership! I still miss those precious children and my awesome classroom.
  14. I am not Jewish but enjoyed learning Hebrew and the different prayers that we would say. I also could not have asked for better or more involved parents.
  15. We only had one car in California so I chose my job because it was within walking distance of our house and Linc's office. He would drop me off in the morning, I would walk to his office for lunch, and he would drop me back off after we ate! If I was feeling really energetic I would walk all the way home so he could have the car!
  16. We took up bouldering in Los Gatos and it was the most challenging sport I have ever tried. Not to mention scary because there are no ropes or harnesses to catch you if you miss a grip!
  17. I bought Lincoln a puppy for our first anniversary but he came to live with me in March, not June! Westin and his father did not meet until my college graduation in May!
  18. In California we lived in the greatest neighborhood with sidewalks that went on for MILES! Westin and I would go on long walks every afternoon and get lost around town for hours. Thankfully we always managed to find the few cross streets that led back to where we needed to go to get home.
  19. I put up a "wanted" ad on Craigslist to try and find someone to go to the dog park with because it was hard to meet people in our little town in CA. I ended up meeting my friend Ashley and her little Chihuaha who picked us up every day to take us to the different parks. Don't worry- I met her at a crowded park the first time to make sure she wasn't some psycho before letting her come to our house! ;)
  20. My ultimate dream and life goal is to be a stay at home mom and eventually homeschool my kids. I probably have gotten a bit annoying about this lately as it seems everyone and their grandma is having a baby! Few more years though, not ready to give up my Saturday mornings just yet!
  21. I LOVE food. I think about it all the time. I plan out what I am going to eat next even as I am eating my current meal. I could probably weigh 1000 pounds if I didn't have some sort of self control and a husband who keeps me on track.
  22. Because of #21 I joined Weight Watchers on December 31st in order to learn more about food and get a handle on portion control. I am down eight pounds so far!!
  23. My favorite place in the world is Kiawah Island, South Carolina. That is where Linc and I got married and where my in laws now live. I am sure there is a beach house with our name on it in the future...when we win the lottery!
  24. I have never been out of the United States. The furthest I went was Hawaii on our honeymoon. I have carried passport photos with me for the last two years but never got the actual passport. I hope to fix that before we have children, possibly even as early as this summer with a trip to Ireland!
  25. My favorite TV shows are Desperate Housewives and Jon and Kate Plus 8 but we don't have cable anymore. =(
Well, there you have it. For some reason I really struggled on that last one. I tried to write things that not everyone knew since I have a few new readers on board and go in a somewhat chronological order. I am not expecting anyone to actually do this- but if you feel so inclined TAG, you're it! Now it's your turn!! It really is entertaining to narrow down your life into 25 random facts so I'll look forward to reading if anyone else takes the bait!
© All images appearing on this blog are the exclusive property of K. Hamilton Photography/Hamilton Family Blog and are protected under content the International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without sole written consent of myself. Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept, illustration or website is a violation of the International Copyright laws.

All images are copyrighted © 2010 - 2012 K. Hamilton Photography. ©